Integration option with for Door Locks

Status: Requested 4 Votes
Jason B
Jan 15, 2023 9:58 AM
Joined Jan, 2021 38 posts

Check out ..  they are  an API company that has pre-drafted API's for almost all lock vendors.

This would help us integrate Samsung, and dozen of other locks.

OwnerRez would just attach to their pre-configured API's using a standard format, and Seam does everything in the background.

With RBOY locks going out of business I built some of my own access via the dashboard into Seam, but would prefer it to be fully integrated with OwnerRez.

This is the technology vendor that Hospitable and EnsoConnect are also using.

I am not affiliated with them, however they just saved the day for our RBOY integration when Samsung shut them down.

Paul W
Jan 16, 2023 12:13 PM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 860 posts

Hey Jason, we are actually looking into this and have had conversations with the Seam team.

Couple questions for you if you have a sec...

1) What was the cost per door/listing for you to use RBOY apps? We know they are shutting down and I'm wondering what pricing model you were used to over there.

2) What is Seam charging you directly with what you are directly with them right now?

3) You mentioned Samsung. I assume you are referring to the ST hub and not actual door locks. What locks do you have?

There are costs to supporting some of these things, but they vary based on direct vs. SDK. We would likely have to charge something, and are reviewing all the options. The goal is to bring the major brands (Schlage, August, Yale) directly into OwnerRez as direct integration, if it's possible to do that easily and cheaply. We'd like to relieve the cost pressure for users while supporting a better integration, not adding to the burden.

Cozy Critter Cab
Feb 5, 2023 5:44 PM
Joined Jan, 2021 4 posts

We would love to see integration with smart things for all the stuff...locks, thermostats, and modes!! We have also been using Rboys for the past 2 years and are now scrambling to find an alternative. I don't remember how much we paid for Rboys, but it was just a one time fee that we paid and nothing after that. We have really relied on it to automate so much for our cabin, especially in the winter months to help with our heating bills because it ran scenes to kick things down so many hours after checkout. I know you said you're talking about it, but any idea on a possible time if this were to happen? 

Cozy Critter Cab
May 27, 2023 9:43 AM
Joined Jan, 2021 4 posts

As an update, we have set up automation with Lynx it’s about $250 /yr which is expensive enough that I am looking into other automation solutions for the cabin, but was low enough that we went with it for now. Hospitable looks like they include the seam app as part of their standard price which is very similar to Ownerrez.

Shannon C
Mar 13, 2024 12:08 PM
Joined Nov, 2020 2 posts

They're also incorporating thermostats, cameras, and other devices, which we would find useful.  @Jason, any chance you'd be willing to share the integration process you followed?

Our team is working on the Google Nest integration they provide, but we're doing it via AWS Lambda functions that are triggered by Calendar events.  Would be infinitely cleaner to have the process directly through Ownerrez.

Jason B
Mar 13, 2024 1:11 PM
Joined Jan, 2021 38 posts

I am a technologist and GetSeams is pretty advanced.   I would recommend Jervis Systems for novice applications if you do not have a software development background.

Jervis is SOLID.