Guest has a problem trigger?

Status: Released 2 Votes
Ken T
Mar 29, 2022 6:19 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Yes, actually, there's a way to do this now.

We've added Tags as criteria on Triggers.  So, if you create a "Problem Guest" tag, you can set that in the criteria to not send that email to bookings with that tag.

Rich S
Dec 10, 2019 10:56 AM
Joined Dec, 2018 302 posts

Can y'all add a field in triggers to prevent a trigger from executing if the checkbox for 'guest has a problem' is checked?

I use the guest has a problem field to flag guests that I don't wish to host again. So with this enhancement I can avoid sending a followup email asking for reviews or for future rebooking.

If there's another way to do this already please advise !

Chris Hynes
Dec 13, 2019 9:18 AM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1402 posts

Yep, that's a good criteria -- I'll note that down here. We've got ideas to expand the "has problem" checkbox into a list so you can provide a bit more metadata about what the problem was, was it resolved, etc. Haven't gotten into the dev cycle on that yet though.

Katie K
Mar 29, 2022 11:15 AM
Joined Jul, 2019 20 posts

Hello! Was just looking at this and wondered if anything had been developed or added. Was also thinking a report of the “guest has problem” list would be useful. 😊

Ken T
Mar 29, 2022 6:19 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Yes, actually, there's a way to do this now.

We've added Tags as criteria on Triggers.  So, if you create a "Problem Guest" tag, you can set that in the criteria to not send that email to bookings with that tag.