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Fix Reports so that in-period Totals for Booking Summary & Booking Detailed reports MATCH!

Status: Requested 16 Votes
May 16, 2024 12:13 PM
Joined Jan, 2020 179 posts

There is a discrepancy between the total amounts shown in the Booking Summary and Booking Detail reports when selecting "any stay during period". I emailed OR support and rather than this be flagged as a concern or a bug, I was told to start a Feature Request for the fix. 

I'll walk y'all through where the error lies, and I'd recommend you run similar Booking Summary and Booking Detailed reports for one particular month on your own properties so you can see the problem in action.

As an example, I ran a Booking Summary for April with the following criteria:

  • All properties
  • April 1-30, 2024
  • Any stay during period
  • All listing sites
  • Include canceled bookings (but not pending)

The total shown for April is 44,619.17. Screenshot to demonstrate:

Then I ran a Booking Details report for April with the same criteria:

  • All properties
  • April 1-30, 2024
  • Any stay during period
  • All listing sites
  • Include canceled bookings (but not pending)

The total column for April shows 46,676.27. None of the figures in this report come to the same total of 44,619.17 from the Booking Summary report. Screenshot to demonstrate:

The "Any stay during period" option for the Booking Summary report includes the phrase "pro-rate", however that same option on the Booking Detailed report does not. That's the reason for the discrepancy. On the Booking Detailed report, even if you select "any stay during period" it is showing full booking totals not the pro-rated amounts for those dates only.

So there is currently no way to run a Detailed, pro-rated report for a month to see the breakdown of the Total figure obtained with a Booking Summary report. 

To me, this is something that should be corrected -- not a feature to be requested. Alas, here I am per OR's instruction. Hopefully others will have discovered this discrepancy and think to come here to see if a solution has been requested so they can add their vote.