Custom Field for "Fees"

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Val Rogers
Jul 2, 2021 11:40 AM
Joined Oct, 2016 34 posts

Is it currently possible to include a table or a list of all of the fees entered in a booking's Fees section under "Transactions" in an email template?

I don't see a field code available for that "Fees" section.

I send an email to my clients for each booking that sends the billing details table {BCTAB} but I also want to inform them of the specific fees related to the booking.

I've had to create my own work-around by creating a custom field code for each kind of fee that I might enter in that section but I have to manually enter the fee name/amount in each custom field code on every booking.

Thanks for any help!

Chris Hynes
Jul 2, 2021 4:12 PM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1402 posts

That's right, there's not a field code for particular fees or for the table itself.

There are field codes for the guest fee total and the host fee total, if that helps.

What particular fees are you trying to pull out?

Val Rogers
Jul 2, 2021 5:37 PM
Joined Oct, 2016 34 posts

Hi Chris,

I send my clients a "New Booking" notification email as well as a "Booking Final Report" email for each booking.

In those emails I want to include all of the fees (or expenses) charged to the client (property owner) for each booking.

The custom fields I've created for those fees are:

Payment fee (cc processing fee): BXPAYFEE
Airbnb Host Fee: BXABBCOM
VRBO Pay-per-booking fee: BXPPBCOM
VRAssist Commission: BXVRACOM

I also manually add my commission fee to the Transactions > Fees section of the booking so it will be captured in reports.

Currently I have to manually fill in the custom field codes with the appropriate fees so that they are included in the email templates sent to the owners.

See the link below for one example:

I was hoping that there was a field code that would pull anything entered in the Transactions > Fees section of a booking that we could included in an email sort of like the Billing Details table pulls the charges of the booking into a table.

Paul W
Jul 5, 2021 11:32 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 860 posts

Valerie, Thanks for the additional feedback and examples. Unfortunately, there is not a field code that will pull in a table of the fees from the Transactions tab. It's a good idea though. One of the reasons we don't have more field codes for multi-record things like that is styling. A table or bullet list has to include it's own layout and styling inherently which make sit hard for users to use within their own message templates.