Automatic Refund of Refundable Damage Deposit

Status: Released 2 Votes
Paul W
Sep 24, 2021 9:36 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 860 posts

We now support Refundable Damage Deposits as part of our built-in security deposit feature. Read the announcement here:

Gila W
Mar 22, 2021 1:52 PM
Joined Mar, 2021 3 posts

It would be helpful if there could be an automatic refund of the RDD set up for 14 days after departure. Then if an owner needs to withhold some of the damage deposit they would go in and manually change that refund before the 14 day mark, but since the majority are refunded, that would happen automatically. Is it possible to do this?

FYI, here are the reasons I prefer the RDD:
1. I typically charge the RDD when the balance is due to ensure that the funds are available. This is often way in advance of arrival. I would hate for the guest to show up and to find out that they have maxed out their credit line, so it can’t be collected.
2. I want the guest to feel like they have “skin in the game”. There are many things that are not covered by the damage insurance like excessive clean-up, intentional damage, fines for behavior that does not comply with HOA rules, etc.
3. I often have longer term stays of 10-31 days or longer in my various properties and a hold would fall off during that time, even if collected upon arrival.

Thanks for considering.

Paul W
Sep 24, 2021 9:36 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 860 posts

We now support Refundable Damage Deposits as part of our built-in security deposit feature. Read the announcement here: