Wordpress calendar blocked vs booked dates

Amber N
Sep 1, 2023 4:06 PM
Joined Dec, 2022 3 posts

Our property generates a lot of booking interest.  We open a month at a time and it books out in a minute or two.  The most common question we get asked by people who don't follow us on social media and don't know about our monthly opening cadence is, "Are you really booked out until 2027?"  Is there any way to configure the wordpress plugin to show booked dates in red and blocked dates in grey?  Right now they all look the same.  Giving people a way to visually distinguish between booked dates and dates we haven't opened yet would eliminate several messages per day for us.  I can do this for my own view in the ownerrez backend calendar easy enough with display preferences, but am unsure if I can make similar tweaks to the public-facing wordpress plugin being displayed on our website.  

Adria H
Sep 5, 2023 3:06 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2022 154 posts

Can you write in to HelpDesk@OwnerRez.com and we will look into the specific settings on your account?