Setting up trigger template for direct booking reviews

Carol S
Apr 2, 2024 8:07 PM
Joined Oct, 2023 6 posts

I have guests that checked out a few months ago from my direct  booking and I thought a review trigger template  was set up when I did the set through Ownerrez.
Where do I find the steps to set up a trigger for direct booking reviews.  Do I set it up to trigger on check out day, or 2 days after? 

Thank you.

Ken T
Apr 2, 2024 9:10 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Here is a very general example:

As to when you should send out the request, that's up to you - you may get different or better results at different timings, depending on your guests.

If you need more specific assistance, please write in to the Helpdesk with details of what you're trying to accomplish, and we'd be glad to give more detailed instructions.