sent guest email / guest responded / responded email not showing up in OwnerRez

Cathleen C
Apr 29, 2019 7:36 PM
Joined Aug, 2018 23 posts

but the responded email is showing in What am I missing? I've refreshed, looked in emails, clicked on emails, etc. I want to keep all communication through OwnerRez. Thanks.

Apr 30, 2019 12:44 PM
Joined Jun, 2016 1142 posts

I think this is normal.

Paul W
May 2, 2019 9:25 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 861 posts

Yes, this is normal. When we send emails out of OwnerRez (to the guest on your behalf) we use your email address as the REPLY-TO header. When the guest replies, their reply goes back to you directly, not to OwnerRez. We do this on purpose to keep the communication between you and the guest. We have designed and worked on some "Unified Inbox" stuff but it's been back burner'd several times. It's a major undertaking and not necessary for a lot of users. It's something that needs a lot of work to really get right and be useful, otherwise it just gets in the way.

PS. You can have your email address be set the FROM header too, but you have to join our Verified Sender program to do that (which is free but requires setting some DNS records with your domain registrar).