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Rental Agreements: Best way to handle changes to post-booking (signed) RAs?

May 29, 2024 4:34 PM
Joined Apr, 2022 4 posts

So, I did a search in forums of this topic and found that OR doesn't support "replacing existing RAs" but updated ones can be uploaded to the "files" tab within the booking, for document retention. OR really should consider addressing this because I've had several RAs which required updates after they've been signed. Luckily, the guest and I let the issue(s) slide, but it could put me (the host) in a precarious situation legally, if there were litigating circumstances!

With that said...

Whats the best way to handle RA changes?

I've got a potential guest inquiry asking to bring a pet. "The boss" and I decided to allow this one time circumstance, due to the revenue it will generate over the upcoming holiday, but our RA would need to be modified as a result.

I have Adobe Acrobat...should I simply modify after its been signed and provide the guest with updated RA?...that seems to be the easiest solution, but what if the guest refuses to sign as a result of the current "no pets" rule listed on the RA? 

...or should I temporarily modify the RA template for this one time booking?


May 31, 2024 2:51 PM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 74 posts

That's a great question!

What you might consider here is having a backup Agreement stored in your Settings > Legal Agreements that has a lower priority number set so it is not being sent out in your regular {BUFIXUP} messages when bookings are created. You could then make adjustments to that backup Agreement as needed, and manually send it from the Legal tab within the booking, using the e-Signature dropdown.

The guest would likely still receive the regular Agreement you'd usually send out, but you'd then be providing them with the adjusted Agreement after the fact for them to sign with the changes.

We'd love to discuss this in more detail with you. Would you mind writing to us at help@ownerrez.com so we can provide screenshots, maybe even a video, to show you the concept in more detail?