Pool/Hot Tub Liability Waiver

Timothy H
May 24, 2022 3:09 PM
Joined Mar, 2022 11 posts

Hi all... I have a pool/hot tub liability waiver that I want my guests to sign before they arrive.  What's the best way to have them do this?  I'm thinking of setting up a Template and then a Trigger.  Thoughts?

Suzy T
Jun 14, 2022 1:55 AM
Joined May, 2022 21 posts

Hello Timothy,

I'm very new to Owner Rez so just been going through the details and thought I could give you some idea as to what I have done. 

The Rental Agreement set up in the system by Owner Rez has a whole paragraph about liability and responsibility for a pool/hot tub.  I simply made some adjustments to make it more relevant and personalized to our situation. 

But I think your idea of a template and trigger will also work.  (The only problem with that is the timing of that message going out.  It might be a bit heavy handed to have the message send out upon booking).  

Hope this helps.



Jun 14, 2022 2:46 PM
Joined Jun, 2016 1137 posts


Hot Tub Addendum for {PDISPNAME} in Sevier County, Tennessee.


This Rental Agreement Addendum is incorporated into and made part of the Rental Agreement executed by the owner and the Guest, referring to and incorporating the rented Cabin.

There are health risks associated with the use of hot tubs. Guest agrees to use the hot tub at their own risk. The Owner(s) will not be responsible for any injuries sustained by the Guest or the members of the Guest's party when using the hot tub. Guest who signs this agreement will be responsible to advise all other members of their party of all potential hot tub hazards and rules.

  1. Before unlocking or using the hot tub, Guest(s) must completely review and understand the hot tub operating procedures found in the Rental Instructions as well as the safety items listed on this page. The Guest is responsible for operating the hot tub in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. The hot tub is drained, cleaned, refilled, and chemically sanitized before each Guest's arrival. Because the hot tub is completely drained and refilled before each stay, the water may not be warm until the night of the Guest's arrival.
  3. Shower before and after using the hot tub. This is because some lotions or makeup mixed with the hot tub chemicals can cause a rash. Showering after hot tub use will lessen the likelihood of rashes related to exposure to the hot tub chemicals. Never wear jewelry into a hot tub due to the chemicals used. Hot tub chemicals can also affect color-treated hair or damage swimsuits.
  4. If you have any medical condition (such as but not limited to, heart disease, low or high blood pressure, circulatory system problems, diabetes, obesity) or are taking any type of drugs please consult your physician before using the hot tub. Persons who have skin sensitivities or open wounds should not use the hot tub. If you have consumed or are consuming alcoholic beverages or drugs or have a medical condition that in conjunction with hot tub use may result in drowsiness, do not use the hot tub due to the possibility of losing consciousness with the possibility of drowning.
  5. Guest agrees not to use and not allow members of Guest's party to use any type of soaps, shampoo, lotions, bubbles, glitter, or bath oils in the hot tub, as damage to the hot tub and/or skin irritation may occur.
  6. If evidence of use of shampoo, bubbles, lotions, bath oils, or other substances is found in the hot tub, your entire Rental (damage) Deposit will be forfeited. Do not take any products or items into or around the hot tub, including glass, which may clog the filter, damage the hot tub, endanger persons, or cause injury, or skin irritation.
  7. Do not submerge your head, ingest the water, or allow the water to contact your eyes. The Guest is responsible for keeping the hot tub clear of debris and keeping the area around the hot tub clear of obstructions, neat and organized.
  8. Guest is responsible for the full cost that may be due for repair and/or replacement of the hot tub that is required as a result of negligence or misuse by the Guest, or the members of the Guest's party, above and beyond the amount of the Rental (damage) Deposit.
  9. Minors must be supervised by a capable adult age 23 or over at all times while in and around the hot tub.
  10. Inspect the hot tub water before use. If too hot, cloudy, dirty, gritty, smells unusual, or you have any concerns about the water quality, DO NOT USE THE HOT TUB and call the owners or maintenance for service.
  11. The cover must be placed back on the hot tub and locked when not in use or not supervised. This keeps the water warm, prevents debris from entering the water, and keeps minors or unauthorized persons from entering the hot tub. Do not use the hot tub if any of the suction fittings have been removed.
  12. DO NOT CLIMB, LEAN, SIT OR STAND ON THE HOT TUB COVER. A damaged/broken hot tub cover will result in {BSDAMT} charge to the Guest.
  13. Guest understands that the hot tub is strictly an amenity, and the use of the amenity is not guaranteed under the terms of the Rental Agreement. Any interruption or non-availability of the hot tub will not violate the terms of the Rental Agreement.
  14. Chlorine or bromine is used to chemically shock/sanitize the hot tub water when refilled. The plastic chlorine/bromine tab floater contains pellets that provide ongoing sanitizing during your stay along with the filtering system of the hot tub. The chlorine/bromine floater must remain in the hot tub when the hot tub is not occupied by persons. Failure to follow this rule may result in compromised water quality and/or rashes for guests. If the Chlorine/bromine floater is found to be empty of chlorine tablets, DO NOT USE THE HOT TUB and call the Owners or maintenance for service.
  15. If the hot tub is used frequently during your stay, be aware that the build-up of bacteria, body oils, and other foreign matter may overwhelm the hot tub's ability to neutralize the bacteria and properly sanitize and filter the water.
  16. If you notice any water quality issues, such as cloudy, dirty, gritty, or smelly water, DO NOT USE THE HOT TUB and call the owners or maintenance for service.
  17. If using the hot tub after 10:00 PM, be considerate of the neighbors by keeping all noise to a low level. Failure to comply may result in denial of continued occupancy per the Rental Agreement and forfeiture of your Rental deposit and rent.

In the case of a hot tub emergency call 911.  The emergency electrical disconnect for the hot tub is located near the hot tub and is marked by a "Hot Tub Disconnect" tag.


I, {CFULL}, have read and understood these hot tub rules and guidelines and will be responsible for ensuring that all my Guests/members of my party follow the same.

Guest's initials: {BXCXLPOL}


Andrea M
Aug 20, 2023 4:24 PM
Joined Jun, 2022 3 posts

Do you send this out as a separate email template or is it included in your rental agreement in Owner Rez? Thanks! Love the wording.

Aug 20, 2023 4:39 PM
Joined Jun, 2016 1137 posts

Do you send this out as a separate email template or is it included in your rental agreement in Owner Rez? Thanks! Love the wording.

by Andrea M – Aug 20, 2023 8:24 PM (UTC)

My hot tub waiver is part of the rental agreement but as separate page with a separate place for initials. 

Andrea M
Aug 20, 2023 9:02 PM
Joined Jun, 2022 3 posts

That's great! When you say there is a spot for initials, are they still e-signing their initials through OR? Trying to figure out how that works. I have our RA set up to be esigned, but I'm not familiar with with how one would get extra initials as part of the RA e-sign process. Not sure if that makes sense?

Adria H
Aug 21, 2023 12:35 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2022 155 posts

You can create custom fields to require the guests to initial chosen items in your RA:


Andrea M
Aug 21, 2023 12:49 AM
Joined Jun, 2022 3 posts
