Newbie Question About VRBO API Integration

Sep 8, 2023 5:11 PM
Joined Sep, 2023 5 posts

we are new to Ownerrez and just set up VRBO API integration today.  Are a couple of quick questions regarding API integration.

1.  I am assuming now that the integration is complete that I can remove the iCal sync between Ownerrez and VRBO, correct?

2.   It is my understanding that I will now be responsible for collecting all taxes and remitting them to my county. Correct?

Sep 9, 2023 9:32 AM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 149 posts

Great questions!

When you API connect to Vrbo, those imported channel iCals automatically fall off. The API is now handling your availability.

Pre-API bookings for Vrbo are still managed by the channel, but for bookings created via the API, you will be entirely responsible for collecting and remitting all state and local taxes required of you.