Hi there, I have guests staying an extra week. They are repeat guests and I don't want to charge them a security deposit. It looks as if I will have to charge them a reserved deposit given the only options I am being shown in accepting the credit card to take them off pending status.
Can you please let me know how I can just charge them the $700 without incurring the reserved deposit? The customer's last name is DeMichele.
The security deposit rule is controlled in the quote. Problem here is, once you create a booking off of the quote you can't change the quote values. Pending bookings are a edge case, sort of half quote, half booking. I'll look into adding something that lets you modify some settings if the booking exists but is still pending.
In the meantime, I turned off secdep for that quote in the backend. If you refresh the page, you should have the option to confirm without taking the secdep.
I will need to look into this further to see what I may have done wrong. I didn't include a SD in the quote to this guest, just rent and tax, so I'm not sure why it was including one when I went to approve the payment. There are some guests I charge SDs to and others (repeat guests) where I waive it.
Do you use a separate refundable deposit charge on the Charges section?
Earlier, I was talking about the built-in security hold configured here: http://imgur.com/ylSRTzd . Those values are defaulted from the Property rules on quote creation, but can be changed per quote if you so desire.