Line Item Pivot Table Headers

Andree M
Nov 1, 2024 3:17 PM
Joined Nov, 2018 12 posts

Is there any way to specify headers for Surcharges and Discounts?  I have several similar surcharges and discounts that I would like to have listed under one column header. For example, we have varying Weekly Discounts based on previous guest, specials, etc. I would like all those to show up in one column such as "Weekly Discounts" instead of discrete columns with headers that don't make sense or are extremely long based on the description. Allowing us to manually set column header descriptions in export spreadsheets would be very helpful.


Michael McDonald


Nov 5, 2024 11:40 AM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 124 posts

Hi Michael,

The Line Item Pivot does break out those surcharges and discounts individually, but you can also see them rolled into their own respective columns in the Charge Totals section within the same report:

While these are not customizable, it sounds like this may have been what you were looking for. With regard to your suggestion on manually setting column header descriptions, I would suggest you see if this has already been suggested in our Feature Requests forum. If not, go ahead and add it so that other users can upvote your idea!