Hosted Website Blog Menu Page not working

Lissette McNair
Jun 11, 2024 8:46 AM
Joined Mar, 2024 1 post

Im a bit tech challenged so I hope I can explain my issue well.

I have followed all the instructions to set up a blog on my hosted website. I also published my first blog post as instructed. Unfortunately though, I cant get the blog feature to work on my test or live page. I believe it has to do with a slug issue. When I click on "Blog" on my site, the url remains the same as my home page (as opposed to it ending as "/blog" and therefore does not actually go to my blog page. How do I fix that?

Paul W
Jun 11, 2024 9:26 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 861 posts

Hi Lisette & Adam,

The actual blog, itself, works as you can confirm by going to the URL directly:

So the question: why doesn't the top website "Blog" menu not go here?  I dug around a bit, and I'm equally puzzled, so I've escalated this to be looked at.


Paul W
Jun 11, 2024 9:38 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 861 posts

Figured it out.

Your top menu has 3 "sections" with menu in left, nothing in the middle and logo on the right. However, the middle section (with nothing) as not rendering anything, so the right logo section was taking up half the room.  This led to an overlapping link where the logo "home" link was on top of the Blog menu.  In other words, when you clicked on "Blog", it was actually clicking on the logo area and taking you to home.

I fixed this for you by putting some white space in that middle section which forced the logo section over to the right more.  The Blog menu now can be clicked and opened like normal.

So your header went from this (old version):

To this (new version):

And the Blog menu now works.