Hi all,
Bit of a technical question here ... I'm having an issue when I try and paste my OR website into Facebook. When I do it, I don't get an image. It only shows the link that I paste in. After doing some research, it appears I'm getting this error: "The' og:image’ property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags." Basically, Facebook can't find the image (i.e. first picture). Any ideas how to correct this? In my research, it's suggesting I have to install WordPress and then another piece of software and it just seems overkill. There has to be a way to get this attributes updated so, when I paste it, Facebook has everything it needs to resolve to the image. TIA
I'm curious if you received a response as I have the same issue. Any insight is appreciated. 🙏
Hi Jill,
Give the steps outlined at the link below a try:
Social Share Image - Updates and Caching
If that doesn't do the trick, please write to us at help@ownerrez.com and we'll be happy to take a closer look for you!