Entering banking info on VRBO for payment?

Becky G
Jan 13, 2020 6:08 PM
Joined Nov, 2019 29 posts

Hoping someone here has had a similar experience or knows the answer.........

I keep getting a message from VRBO when I'm on my listing saying that I will not be paid for any bookings without entering my banking info (which I am certain I provided when I signed up for this). When I click on the link they provide there is nothing else I can do as there is no area to enter the info or any further links to click on.

Michael D
Jan 13, 2020 9:01 PM
Joined Oct, 2019 55 posts

Becky G - Yes we got it for each of our properties. It is the result of VRBO/HA starting to do their own payment processing. They were using a 3rd party in the past.

Valerie R
Jan 14, 2020 11:41 AM
Joined Sep, 2019 122 posts

I don't know if this is helpful, but when you are looking at the Payment Options page (Property > Rules & Policies > Payment Options) make sure you don't see a little red dot next to any of these:

Direct debit authorization
Tax form

Recently several of my clients received the same message and they had to complete the Direct debit authorization (in all cases) and some had to complete the Tax form (if they hadn't already done so).

I think everyone has to complete the Direct debit authorization form because when VRBO rolled out their new payment system recently they did not include that authorization in the initial roll out. Everyone has to complete that form to give VRBO permission to debit their bank accounts if needed, for refund or chargeback purposes.

If you don't see a red dot next to those items I would assume your account is ok, but you could always call Customer Support and ask them to take a look at it. Their number is ‭(877) 202-4291‬.

Ken T
Jan 14, 2020 12:10 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Just wanted to mention - if you have at least 5 properties, you can use the HA/VRBO API connection and do your own payment processing.

Jan 17, 2020 2:37 PM
Joined Jun, 2016 1137 posts

are you Ownerrez integrated with vrbo? if not, you do NEED to enter banking info. As someone mentioned above, they have moved from yapstone payments processing (3rd party) to in-house. if you do not provide the info, they CANNOT pay you and they will shut your listing down. When you signed up, you provided your info to yapstone (which is 3rd party processor that they no longer use and are winding down). When they switched payment processing to inhouse, by law they need to ask for your bank info explicitly - they cannot just take it from yapstone. This was a big hoopla last year, about August I think? when the move started.

Lydia B
Jan 17, 2020 9:30 PM
Joined May, 2019 159 posts

Just be careful about completing the part in VRBO that allows them to debit your account. You should always think long and hard about giving anyone that right. It may mean you have to wait until after the guest checks in for funds to be released, so you'll need to decide which matters more to you.

Jan 17, 2020 10:26 PM
Joined Jun, 2016 1137 posts

Lydia B said:

Just be careful about completing the part in VRBO that allows them to debit your account. You should always think long and hard about giving anyone that right. It may mean you have to wait until after the guest checks in for funds to be released, so you'll need to decide which matters more to you.

You cannot get around allowing to debit account. How else you do refunds? Such as, comp for some malfunction. I do not think they will allow to sign up without debit authorization. Also ion case of charge back they initially debit the account until charge back is resolved. That is standard practice, stripe does the same