
Michael C
Feb 6, 2025 12:55 PM
Joined Aug, 2022 12 posts

Currently when a new booking comes in i use the "notes"field to create a mini-checklist of everything i need to ask and badger the guest before check in.. A short list of like Did they fill in the security deposit? did they register with our HOA  community yet? Did they fill in the Docusign lease agreement? are they bringing pets? etc etc.... it is an extensive list. Is there a way to have a "check list" automatically generated per booking per property, that i can just click to check off as things arrive? Bonus Points, if this could be AI Driven through triggers to automatically remind (aka badger)  guests every 48 hours until they complete their tasks.  Either feature suggestion or ways to make this work as-is today?


I am already using tag automation, however we can not setup multiple triggers from that. I need a very simple ability to say "send this email every day at 9am until this tag/task is removed".  Right now your system will trigger ONCE on DAY1 and not RETRIGGER on days 2-99.

Feb 6, 2025 2:30 PM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 149 posts

Hi Michael,

This appears to be a duplicate of which was already responded to, and the discussion has been moved to your Feature Request where I can see you've also included the mention of using Tag Automations:

Any further comments you have surrounding this topic should be made in that Feature Request thread linked above so that we can better keep track of your suggestions surrounding this topic!

Thanks so much. I'm closing this thread here for replies.