Change property color ribbon? Unreadable.

Jan 26, 2024 11:14 PM
Joined Nov, 2023 67 posts

I've searched and searched because it seems obvious that there be such a setting, BUT

I can't find where to change the ribbon color of one of my properties. 

I can barely read anything because of the color; it's practically unusable.  Look at the calendar below. There are actually two properties, but the one stacked on top is white on a very light blue background and is just not readable.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'd like to be able to actually use the calendar and ribbon.  Thanks.

Ed T
Jan 27, 2024 1:51 AM
Joined Nov, 2023 30 posts

Hi Uncard_Wonder

I bet you are trying to make the change through the bookings.  If you were able to change the ribbon it would only be for that particular booking.  The solution is going to the Properties and changing the ribbon for the property.  

One way to get this done is to click <Booking> On left side click the property you are interested in changing <Property1>  The 6th field down is called <calendar color>   



Jan 30, 2024 7:27 PM
Joined Nov, 2023 67 posts

Yes! Thank you. 

I got it a little wrong at first.  For anyone following, here are the exact steps.

1. Click Properties

2. Choose your property

3. On the left menu, select "General Info" (if not already selected)

4. Click "Change" to edit the property

5. "Calendar Color" is the 6th option in the initial block, right after "Property URL"