Block Spammer from inquiry widget

Donna M
Sep 19, 2023 10:24 AM
Joined Sep, 2017 41 posts

I received an inquiry that was nothing more than a spammer hoping I'd all him to post a blog on my website. Is there a means to block him?

If not -I would like the means to block spammers unwanted "inquirers" and the like.

Caleb M
Sep 28, 2023 1:15 PM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 174 posts


It would be a good idea to put this forward in the feature request subforum found here: 


But as a workaround in the meantime you can use Zapier to verify that guest,

There are a few options to this end in Zapier, the first one that popped up for us is Byteplant. Once the verification is done, adding a tag to the successfully verified inquiries through this process would also be a good idea.

