Automated reminder prompts for legal agreements

Pedro T
Feb 28, 2018 3:21 PM
Joined Nov, 2017 50 posts

Is there a way to automate legal agreements to be sent additional times if not filled out?
Also, where do I see responses to the additional fields I've made mandatory in my agreement?

Chris Hynes
Mar 1, 2018 11:39 PM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1402 posts

We don't currently have a way to automatically follow up on legal agreements, but you can filter the list to show bookings with no legal agreement signed (see screenshot).

You can see the responses to the fields on the Custom Fields tab of the booking.

Dec 2, 2018 2:40 PM
Joined Jun, 2018 137 posts

Has an auto reminder been done yet for legal agreements?
I have a bike and lead paint agreement. Can these be auto sent as soon as I get the signed lease?
Is there a way to grab links to all of my agreements at once and send that - manually or automatically?

Dec 3, 2018 9:28 PM
Joined Jun, 2018 385 posts

Sloanish said:

Has an auto reminder been done yet for legal agreements?
I have a bike and lead paint agreement. Can these be auto sent as soon as I get the signed lease?
Is there a way to grab links to all of my agreements at once and send that - manually or automatically?

Lead paint? In USA, this not needed for short term rental

Chris Hynes
Dec 6, 2018 12:26 PM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1402 posts

Could you combine them all to one agreement? That'd be a lot simpler for guests, who seem to have issues getting just one thing signed, never mind 3.