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Release notes format suggestions

Heroes Vacation
Jun 17, 2024 11:56 AM
Joined Mar, 2023 12 posts


I would like to make a suggestion for https://www.ownerrez.com/support/latestupdates

rather than bullet points per change it would look much nicer if you had 3 sections,   + ADDED Feature,  * Fix/Change,  - Removed

for example the below snipper is from June 5th 2024 log:

  • Implement "Mark as Spam" on inquiries and evaluate comment bodies using Akismet for spam detection
  • Merchant of Record (MoR) channel API integration enhancements - part 1
  • Update {MYTWITTER} field code Name and Description on the Account tab to refer to "X"
  • Add Damage Protection opt-out for Whimstay
  • Increase cap for line item pivot report
  • Fix multiple guests being created for Vrbo Messages
  • Fix "do not retry" trigger retrying same day
  • Fix issue with forums authentication
  • Properly display Airbnb account issues for channel integration
  • Remove obsolete TripAdvisor description fields


I think it would look nicer as

+ Implement "Mark as Spam" on inquiries and evaluate comment bodies using Akismet for spam detection
+Add Damage Protection opt-out for Whimstay

* Merchant of Record (MoR) channel API integration enhancements - part 1
* Update {MYTWITTER} field code Name and Description on the Account tab to refer to "X"
Increase cap for line item pivot report
*Fix multiple guests being created for Vrbo Messages
*Fix "do not retry" trigger retrying same day
*Fix issue with forums authentication

- Remove obsolete TripAdvisor description fields


This way I can easily see whats new by PLUS symbol,  Star for Fixes, Minus for things removed

A good example of this can be seen here https://docs.plesk.com/release-notes/obsidian/change-log/ 

Anne S
Jun 17, 2024 2:25 PM
OR Team Member Joined Sep, 2022 139 posts

Thank you for your suggestion! I've forwarded it to our team responsible for the Change Logs. In the meantime, be sure to look for our Monthly Product Update Blog Posts for complete release information!