Export to CSV/TSV, custom listing sites and disable properties

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Right on the heels of last week's major update, we've just released another pile of features.

Custom listing sites

Most users receive inquiries from more sources than just the major listing sites like VRBO or FlipKey.  For instance, you may have a personal website with an inquiry form, or you may be listed on a regional listing site in your area.  You can now track these inquiries with your own custom listing site names.

Click on the account dropdown menu and you'll see a new option for Listing Sites.

listing sites in account dropdown

Click on it, and you'll see a new page, showing both your own custom listing sites and the system listing sites.

listing sites overviewpage

Click to add and the process is straightforward - provide a name and an optional domain name and you're done.  The name can be anything you want.

add new listing site

After you save, you'll see your new listing site show up everywhere in the system that listing sites appear.  For instance, the inquiry grid will show it in the filter bar.

listing sites in filter bar list

You can also add new listing sites directly from within the inquiry verify page.  If you determine that the inquiry has a blank listing site, simply select the "-- Create New --" option and enter a name inline.

add new listing site inline on inquiry very page

Export to CSV and TSV

Use a Mac or like working with text formats?  All of the grids now export to comma and tab delimited text, in addition to the existing Excel option.

export to csv and tsv

We've also added extra export columns that only appear when you're exporting.  These extra columns will help you analyze your data more effectively offline.  If you need more fields or different information, please let us know.  We'll be adding more columns soon.

Disable old properties

Over time, as your business expands, older properties may be sold or no longer operate as rentals.  While you don't want to delete all your data, you also don't want that old property showing up throughout the system.

You can now disable properties that are inactive or old.  The properties grid will now help you sort and filter by enabled/disabled as well.

disable or enable properties

To disable a property, navigate to it and then click the Disable Property link in the top right corner.  From there, the process is straightforward.

You can also re-enable the property later if you made a mistake or decided that you want it show up again.

Editable calendar pager

The calendar pager - that thing above the bookings calendar that lets you scroll to previous/next months - is now directly editable.  Instead of having to click the 'previous' button a hundred times to go back a few years, you can now click into the month/year box and type the month/year directly.

calendar pager editable

The month/year box accepts many different types of formats.  You can separate month and year with dashes, commas, spaces or colons.  You can write the month part in full word, abbreviation or number.  You can write the year part in 4, 2 or 1 digit notation.  Play with it and see how versatile it is!

Set the default booking view to whatever you want

In the last release, we made the booking overview page sticky - that is, it shows the view (calendar or list) that you visited most recently.  Some users rightly pointed out that one might wish to see the calendar or list, by default, regardless of what happened last.  You can now set that on your profile page.

editable default booking view in profile area

General styling improvements and bug fixes

We're hard at work straightening up the interface in lots of little ways.  For instance, every property list is now sorted by name, no matter where you are in the system.  Little tweaks like that go a long way towards increasing the efficiency of the system.

Every time we have a new release we thank you for being patient while we fix the bugs.  We appreciate your emails showing us if we missed something.  The general style of the site keeps on improving and we are excited for the next release coming soon (just a few days)!

4 Comments (add yours)

E & R Vacation R
Jan 7, 2020 12:09 PM
Joined Jan, 2020 56 posts

This needs to be update, perhaps? I'm not finding the answer following the instructions.

Ken T
Jan 7, 2020 2:04 PM
Joined Aug, 2019 1707 posts

This blog post is from 7 years ago, so yes, it's a little out of date.

What were you looking to be able to do? If it's regarding custom sources, take a look at the support docs:


Dec 16, 2021 3:15 PM
Joined Sep, 2021 4 posts

There is no "disable property" button in the top right corner.

Dec 16, 2021 3:20 PM
Joined Sep, 2021 4 posts

Sorry, found it!