
We have many different widgets that let you set up integrations with OwnerRez from your site, from inquiry/quote/book now widgets to availability calendar displays to searching properties by availability and showing rates tables and reviews.

Book Now

The book now widget does a lot of things all in one widget. You can allow bookings, inquiries, and live quoting.

Availability Calendars

The availability calendars are simple compared to the book now widget. Pick the type you want based on what you want to display, and customize your color scheme if desired.

Single Month Calendar

Multiple Month Calendar

Ribbon Calendar

Availability/Property Search

The availability search widget functions in several modes, it can be a search selector, a results page (SERP), or both.


The rates widget shows a list of all of your configured seasons and the rates assigned to them.


The reviews widget shows a list of all your reviews and provides simple filter/sort options similar to what you see on retail websites like Amazon or Walmart.com. If you set a review to "hidden" in OwnerRez, it won't be displayed in the widget.

What our customers are saying

OwnerRez is the world's most powerful vacation rental management platform and the foundation that homeowners and PMs rely on.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 based on 295 reviews