How to add a webform in there?

Allen M
Dec 26, 2022 6:00 AM
Joined Aug, 2021 1 post

Hi, our website is and we just want to add a webform where people can leave comments, feature requests or guest lists or some kind of registration to promotional offers. We wanted to put it here in this part of the website: 


I tried to put a form but can't figure out the "correct way" to do it. Is there an ownerrez feature to add a weform that blends into the website theme itself?

if not, any suggestion where I can get to put web forms that blend into the website? How did you do it? Please advise. 

Ken T
Dec 27, 2022 4:47 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Kind of like an old-school guestbook?  No, we don't have that feature, but there are a great many plugins that do similar things, and most likely can be dropped onto your website.