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Two-Factor Authentification

Status: Closed 1 Vote
This request is a duplicate of 2 Factor Authentication For OR Account Login.
Shawn H
Jan 27, 2022 8:19 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2021 257 posts

Hi Tannya - This request is pre-existing and so merging the requests together. Two-factor/Multi-factor (2FA/MFA) authentication is on the roadmap but the planned release date is not yet set. Contact support if you have specific concerns around your account in the meantime.


Tannya H
Jan 27, 2022 1:10 PM
Joined Jun, 2018 4 posts

Has everyone else seen an uptick in Site Lock-out Notifications recently?  Does anyone know if two-factor authentification is in the works?  I think it would be a great thing to add to make our sites more secure.  Thanks!!

Shawn H
Jan 27, 2022 8:19 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2021 257 posts

Hi Tannya - This request is pre-existing and so merging the requests together. Two-factor/Multi-factor (2FA/MFA) authentication is on the roadmap but the planned release date is not yet set. Contact support if you have specific concerns around your account in the meantime.


Tannya H
Feb 5, 2022 11:34 AM
Joined Jun, 2018 4 posts

Thanks for your reply, Shawn.  I had searched for it prior to adding my request, but nothing popped up, so I didn't know it had already been requested.  Thanks again for letting me know it is on the roadmap.

Roseberry Cabin
Mar 16, 2023 9:16 AM
Joined Apr, 2016 20 posts

Has everyone else seen an uptick in Site Lock-out Notifications recently?  Does anyone know if two-factor authentification is in the works?  I think it would be a great thing to add to make our sites more secure.  Thanks!!

by Tannya H – Jan 27, 2022 6:10 PM (UTC)

Two-Factor AuthenticationTo complete that action, you must first log in...

Verification is required for    _______________________@gmail.com. We haven't verified your login in awhile, so this is a routine check to make sure that you are you.

The verification code has been sent to your email address. Enter it below. This code will expire in 632 seconds.



I absolutely HATE  this   -- I am not logging in from a new devise.  I am at home -- using my own computer -- and had recently closed

the site.   And can't have code sent as text to phone without taking steps to do that. 


Ken T
Mar 20, 2023 11:46 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1706 posts

Please write in to the Helpdesk with more details so we can investigate - the 2FA code should be sent to your email automatically.  You may need to check your spam folder though.  And, once you have successfully logged in, you should not need to verify a code on the same device for 30 days.