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Support "AirBnB Infants" in triggers

Status: Requested 5 Votes
Monish S
Nov 25, 2023 8:25 AM
Joined Jun, 2022 1 post

As you know, AirBnB's policy is that infants don't count towards the guest count.  In the past, travelers didn't even have to say they were bringing infants.  Now, AirBnB asks them to report if they are bringing infants but still doesn't count them towards the guest count.

I operate in a jurisdiction with a strict law governing short term rentals.  It specifies the maximum number of guests allowed, based on the property size.  Everyone, including infants, is counted towards that limit.  This leads to a situation where AirBnB allows reservations that exceed legal limit on guest count, if the party has infants.

Ideally, AirBnB should fix this, but that is not likely.  I do have a policy in my listing saying that infants count towards the limit, but most people don't read that.  Hence, all I can do is manually look at each AirBnB reservation and see if there are infants reported and whether that takes the guest count beyond the limit.  This, of course, is error prone.

I would ideally like a trigger that checks if # of adults + # of children + # of infants exceeds a limit.  However, there are no triggers that use mathematical formulas.  I would also settle for a trigger that simply checks for # of infants > 0 and sends me a reminder to check.  Such checks will happen less frequently than checking every booking and hence will be less error prone.

So, as a bare minimum, I would like the field "AirBnB infants" to show up on the list of fields that I can include in a trigger.  For extra credit, support formulas the include multiple fields.

Thank you.