Seasonal Rates Suggestion

Status: Requested 3 Votes
Val Rogers
Jul 30, 2020 10:57 AM
Joined Oct, 2016 34 posts


When working on Seasonal Rates I'd like to request that if a filter has been applied for a specific property then ONLY the seasons that are associated with that property should be shown in the dropdown menu for "Seasons".

I have 10 properties in my business account so that means there are a lot of different seasons in the Seasonal Rates area. It is a real pain in the neck to have to sift through all 35 seasons to check the ones that are associated with this particular property.

Thanks for giving my suggestions some consideration!

delin w
Sep 30, 2020 11:40 PM
Joined Nov, 2019 1 post

Yes, I agree. I am in setup now and this was very confusing. If you hit the filter, seems like you should only see the relevant seasons.