Many times I want to cross-check a deposit (or debit) from my business account with it's respective booking on OwnerRez. Currently there is not way to search by a dollar amount. I think it would be pretty convenient to have this functionality. Amirite, or amirite?!
Can't you search in the reports? There's a detail report for payments that lets you search amount min and max. I If you put the exact dollar amount in both min and max, it should return anything that matches.
Hello ShenRent,
You say "If you put the exact dollar amount in both min and max, it should return anything that matches."
I've run the Detailed Payments report for one of my properties. I don't see where you can search for Minimum or Maximum amounts. Can you be more specific?
the text fields provided in our bank transaction don't seem to easily tie to anything on the booking... so it would be very nice to be able to use the search box to find a deposit amount tied to a particular booking. then I can tie the deposit to a particular property and booking without running reports
Hi Donaven,
If you are using Stripe, Lynnbrook, and/or Airbnb, you can look up deposits by amount on the Deposits list. Use the filter to find the Deposit with the net amount matching your bank statement.
This does work and I appreciate the reply. Unfortunate it's about a 5 click trip rather than just using the search box to turn up the transaction... but this is better than what I was doing... Is there some technical reason we can't use the search box for net deposits?