Same-day last-minute booking inquiry option on direct booking web page

Status: Requested 1 Vote
Jun 11, 2024 12:46 PM
Joined Feb, 2023 8 posts

I don't allow for instant booking for the same day because I am not sure I can schedule the cleaners on short notice. So I like to be able to check with my cleaners that they can actually turn the place over (which I think is quite common in the hosting community). This works fine for Airbnb, because the calendar still appears open, and the guests just send me an inquiry, which I usually accept once I check with the cleaners. However, on the OR hosted direct booking web page, the calendar appears shaded out for the same day, since I do not allow instant direct booking on that day. Would it be possible to add the option for only an inquiry for these last-minute (same-day) bookings to the OR hosted page, so the calendar is not shaded out and it functions like the Airbnb app?