Sales&Use Tax report - with txes broken down by day

Status: Requested 1 Vote
Michael D
Jan 5, 2020 9:42 PM
Joined Oct, 2019 55 posts

It would be really good to have the S&U tax report break out the taxes for each day or the month. In our jurisdictions, taxes are due in the month they are incurred. So, if a booking crosses month boundaries you are supposed to pay the taxes of the days in the month. Also, makes it easy to document the tax payments should the jurisdiction ever do an audit. Print out the report and show the check register.

Chris Hynes
Jan 23, 2020 6:13 AM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1402 posts

We don't have a way to do per day right now, definitely something on the todo list as is tax remittance tracking in general.

In the meantime, we do show the number of nights in period on the Tax Detail report. If you filter dates by "Any stay during period" and look at the period nights, that'll tell you how much was in the period. Easiest thing to do is export to Excel and then you can multiply the amount by Period Nights / Total Nights and get amount for filing.