ring.com integration

Status: Requested 3 Votes
Heroes Vacation
Dec 24, 2024 3:46 AM
Joined Mar, 2023 13 posts

Hello everyone,

I'd love to see an integration between OwnerRez and Ring.com that automatically creates guest users with a unique PIN for both the front door lock and the alarm panel. For example, if Guest Joe Blogs is staying from January 1st to January 7th, OwnerRez would automatically add Joe as a user in my Ring.com account with a 4- or 6-digit code that both unlocks the front door and disables the alarm.

Currently, we're doing this manually, and it would be a huge help if OwnerRez could automate the process. It would also be important to restrict access so that guests only have permissions for the front door, not any internal locks (like owner closets).

My initial research indicates Ring.com doesn't offer a public API, but they might have a private one that a developer could work with. Is this something OwnerRez might consider supporting in the future?

Thanks in advance for any info or feedback!