Redesign the Inbox!

Status: Closed 2 Votes
Shawn H
Jul 17, 2023 3:12 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2021 287 posts

[This topic has been closed as a duplicate of another topic (Unified inbox feature similar to Lodgify)]

Jul 17, 2023 12:08 PM
Joined Oct, 2018 50 posts

You've put a lot of work into the AirBNB & VRBO native messaging, right?  Great, it's nice to have it in one place. Thank you. But the design is clunky. Start over. Please.

I love OwnerRez in general, I really do. To put it bluntly, if you want OwnerRez to be the go-to place for messaging, you need to design it better. Otherwise all that effort is wasted because no-one is going to use it. There is often a disconnect between what a web developer thinks will be handy and what the end-user actually needs.  I hope you will take this seriously coming from an active user.

  • Inbox on the main menu, not tucked under CRM with two other rarely-used items Reviews and Contacts. Access needs to be quick, navigating menus is more tedious than you realize. 
  • Use a split-screen like all modern email systems do, so I can quickly click through messages looking for anything important. 95% of messages are clutter and do NOT need to be acted on. Your current interface requires me to click each message to mark it Read, or check boxes next to messages then click "Mark As" then click "Read". Tedious and clunky.
  • Add Property name so we know which property the message is in relation to.  Also add stay dates.
  • Convert AirBNB, VRBO, and SMS to icons.
  • Add a "Quick reply" box so we can easily reply without leaving this view.
  • Waste less screen space. Make everything tighter.

Here are some marked up screenshots with some suggestions. Thanks.

Shawn H
Jul 17, 2023 3:12 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2021 287 posts

Great feedback, much of which we have plans for. Merging this into the existing feature request.

Shawn H
Jul 17, 2023 3:12 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2021 287 posts

[This topic has been closed as a duplicate of another topic (Unified inbox feature similar to Lodgify)]

Chris L
Jul 18, 2023 7:38 PM
Joined May, 2017 208 posts

OMG, YES YES YES. Great, well-written write-up.

I know this was closed already as a duplicate of an existing feature request, but the way you've written up the issue and the suggestions you've incorporated deserve to be seen and promoted. So, OR--please see my reply here as an enthusiastic upvote on Tim's comment/request!