Leaving Hostaway because of their booking fee?

Progress bar and list of forms for guests - increase chances that everything is filled out

Status: Requested 1 Vote
Pam D
Nov 15, 2022 7:59 AM
Joined Nov, 2021 6 posts

I am noticing that guests that book via Airbnb are not seeing the security deposit page when they go to the link to sign the RA and fill out our custom fields form. Can you put some sort of progress bar and notice at the beginning to tell guests "You are close to completing your reservation. We need to collect these items from you:", with a list of the things and a progress bar? This lets the guests know whether they completed all the forms and helps reduce the rate of the guests exiting the forms before they finish all the forms. This way, it increases the chances that all forms are filled and guests don’t exit the process before they fill out the credit card form to gather the security deposit.