Need new functionality around "Rooms" definitions

Status: Requested 1 Vote
Mar 26, 2024 5:03 PM
Joined Nov, 2023 5 posts

We are trying to adequately define and describe a "Room" in one specific property.  This property has a sauna, as a separate interior room, not an unusual type of room in standard residential practise.

This sauna also includes a built-in shower.  So, not a "spa", not a "bathroom" as there is no toilet, definitely not a "hot tub", and using "Other" is definitely not very marketable nor descriptive.  Frankly we are at a loss as to how to accomplish a pretty basic requirement in describing "rooms" in this property.

We seem to be playing semantics games here.  For "type" your list has some really obscure terms like "casino" and "darkroom", not to mention some others that in our situation are not at all useful.  However, many upscale residences today have included a "sauna" for some time.  Not to mention the fact that "sauna" has been for years a fairly standard type of room in many Scandinavian houses, as I understand it.  So what will it take for you to include that as a "type" in your list?

The basic issue is that the existing available Rooms definitions are extensive and mostly good, but are still too restricting.  I suggest that it would be highly useful to be able to add ad hoc room Room definitions to meet our needs.  If that cannot be done, please provide a mechanism for providing periodic updates to a static list administered by Ownerrez in whatever way you deem practical.

Ken T
Mar 26, 2024 5:38 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

The list of room types isn't ours, per se - it's based on the lists of room types that are supported by the major listing channels like Airbnb and Vrbo, and specifically, by their API software that allows us to connect with them.

Ken T
May 3, 2024 2:34 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Can you write in to the Helpdesk detailing which of your properties has the sauna and where it is not correctly being displayed, so we can investigate further?  Our engineers report that we do in fact send the Sauna information to the channels for display.