Messages Filter

Status: Requested 5 Votes
Wesley W
Oct 30, 2024 11:39 PM
Joined Apr, 2024 16 posts

I would like to propose the implementation of a filtering and sorting feature for messages. Currently, when reviewing messages, it can be challenging to navigate through the large volume of entries, particularly when distinguishing between messages that cannot be sent due to booking type and those that have already been sent.

Specifically, it would be highly beneficial to add a filter option that allows users to view only the messages that are scheduled to be sent. This would enhance efficiency and improve the overall user experience when managing communications.

Additionally, I recommend a minor update to the color-coding of messages. Changing the color of messages marked "to be sent" so that it is distinct from those that "cannot be sent" would facilitate quicker scrolling and easier identification.

Thank you for considering these enhancements. I believe they would greatly improve usability.