Heating / cooling

Status: Requested 2 Votes
Ken T
Dec 29, 2022 1:18 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Unfortunately, we're somewhat limited by what the listing channels support - since most first-time guests come through a listing channel, there's not much point in offering an option that isn't available there.

Dec 28, 2022 6:54 PM
Joined Mar, 2017 19 posts

Please add more options to explain the type of heating or cooling a home may have. For example in heating we only have "Fireplace" "Woodstove" "Central Heat". Many homes in our area use Kerosene Monitors to heat the home as well as portable space heaters. In the summer some homes have evaporator coolers (swamp coolers) or portable AC units. More options to accurately explain how the home is heated or cooled may cut down on the amount of emails I have to answer. 

Ken T
Dec 29, 2022 1:18 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Unfortunately, we're somewhat limited by what the listing channels support - since most first-time guests come through a listing channel, there's not much point in offering an option that isn't available there.