Have a tag automatically make commands like block booking time when it's applied

Status: Requested 7 Votes
Simon M
Oct 30, 2024 4:13 PM
Joined Sep, 2024 5 posts

This is probably similar to another feature request I made: “Have a tag automatically change the check-in or check-out time when it's applied” However, this request is more general—it would be great if we could have a tag automatically apply commands like blocking booking dates or changing/moving bookings.

Perhaps the tag could trigger different booking features in OwnerRez, so actions like blocking dates or adjusting specific times can be managed through tags rather than manually updating each booking.


Something like what we already have with tags applying certain rules.

Donaven B
Nov 14, 2024 1:59 PM
Joined Aug, 2022 36 posts

Great idea.  In my use case, I tag a guest as "good" after we inspect the property at check out.  That triggers my "thanks for staying with us" email.  Works great.  But I would really like for it to also Trigger a release of the security deposit hold we have.  Access to "commands" from the tags would be wonderful.