Escrow Account Balance Report for PMs

Status: Requested 5 Votes
Jill & Julia o
Dec 3, 2024 1:29 PM
Joined Jan, 2021 7 posts

So the PM module is designed for PMs to use an operating account and an escrow account. The literal escrow bank account should be comprised of the following:

Prepaid bookings by guests on channels that distribute early or where the host collects via their own processor.
Prepaid taxes by guests for all channels where the host is remitting taxes.

I would love a report that would provide the total of what should be in your escrow account at any given moment. It is not so easy as to put this number together from the available reports. For example, AirBnB just started tax collection for those of us who used to collect taxes through it, effective 11/1. OwnerRez knows this from existing settings, so could automate a report on how much we should have in escrow for taxes based on settings. Manually, I have to run the tax report by October 1-31, inclusive of AirBnB, then afterward excluding it.. same idea for bookings where the channel is collecting payment vs we are. It's automatable, but I don't see any particular single report that could get at the escrow number as it stands.

Since most users of the PM module are using an escrow account structure, this would be a valuable report addition. Thank guys!

~ Jill from Raspberry Rentals