Dynamic Multi-Property Availability Calendar

Status: Requested 8 Votes
Dec 17, 2024 7:14 PM
Joined Jan, 2021 12 posts

Hi fellow OR users: 

I've observed that some calendars on other Property Management Systems (PMS) offer more dynamic functionality, particularly for multi-property sites. I’d like to suggest the development of a multi-property calendar widget that provides a clear, at-a-glance view of availability.

For example, if a website features 9 cabins or properties, the monthly view calendar should display green (available) on dates when at least one property is open, even without selecting the property.  This would be very helpful especially for properties in the same general area.  Additionally, the calendar should allow guests to book directly by selecting their desired dates. 

This feature would greatly enhance the user experience for multi-property websites. Please consider voting if you believe this would be a valuable addition!