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Custom Text Field for Blocked-Off Dates on Calendar Widget ("Please Call for Availability")

Status: Requested 1 Vote
Jeff at BTR
Jan 30, 2024 12:06 PM
Joined May, 2021 1 post

It would be nice to be able to enter custom text for blocked-off dates that would display on the calendar widget, so instead of visitors to the website seeing these dates as "Booked" or "Unavailable," we could enter unique custom text for each Blocked-Off calendar entry, such as, "Please call for availability," "Available for extended stay - call for details," or other things to that effect.

We often block off dates on our calendar to keep units available during our slow season for potential long-term stays. Currently, these blocked off dates appear on the calendar widget labeled as "Booked," just like our unavailable, booked cottages.

There may be other solutions, such as changing the minimum stay in various seasons, but I think this approach would be more flexible, and would prevent missed opportunities by communicating important information to potential guests simply and directly on the availability calendar.