Cellphone calendar widget

Status: Requested 0 Votes
Jul 1, 2023 11:16 AM
Joined Mar, 2017 19 posts

It would be nice to have a full page calendar widget for cell phones similar to Googles calendar widget. 

Ken T
Jul 7, 2023 11:12 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1706 posts

Not sure what you're referring to?  Our existing multiple-month calendar is mobile compatible and looks fine on phones:

Jul 8, 2023 2:35 PM
Joined Mar, 2017 19 posts

Google calendrer has a small icon that you can tap to open the calendrer, just like OR. Google calendrer also has a widget the a person can add to an entire page of your phone that is always open and accessed just by swiping to that page. It would be nice to have the OR calendared or ribbon view open on a page in my phone all the time. If this is already possible I would love to know about it. The reason for this request is we operate in a mountainous area with poor cell service. ALL apps work slowly or not at all depending were I'm at. Trying to open the app can be a Hassle sometimes and frustrating for guest when they have questions or problems. The google calendrer full page widget is always on my phone and easy to access  by swiping to it. 

Ken T
Jul 10, 2023 1:22 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1706 posts

It is not really feasible for everything in the OwnerRez database to be downloaded to your smartphone so it can work offline.

That said, you might consider looking into our custom iCal feeds:


You could set one up that includes the most essential booking information that you might want to access while offline, and then, import that iCal URL into a calendar app on your smartphone, so the data is always available even offline.

Note that the Google Calendar app in particular is not reliable with iCal imports, so, you may wish to use a different app, such as the default one provided by your phone manufacturer.

Jul 10, 2023 7:44 PM
Joined Mar, 2017 19 posts

Thank you Ken, Ill look into this. I appreciate your help.