Leaving Hostaway because of their booking fee?

Booking.com LoS discounts

Status: Requested 1 Vote
Maarten H
Sep 1, 2022 11:08 AM
Joined Jul, 2022 18 posts

One major improvement for me would be if I could set up Length of Stay discounts for Booking.com

OR documentation indicates this is not possible, but when looking at Booking.com's Promotion API documentation it looks (to me, not a techie), that it should be possible.




Chris Hynes
Sep 1, 2022 11:19 AM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1401 posts

OwnerRez doesn't currently create promotions in booking.com as their schema is quite different and more limited than the discount structure in OwnerRez.

Instead, create a promotion or derived rate on the booking.com side, based on the normal nightly rate that OwnerRez is pushing. Then the promotion will be applied to bookings if applicable.