Adding a duplicate or copy button for templates, custom definitions, etc.

Status: Requested 5 Votes
May 26, 2024 11:16 AM
Joined Jul, 2023 13 posts


So I think it would be really helpful to add a button for once you have selected an item to allow users to quickly duplicate that item as a starting point for something else they'd like to build.

For example, I am trying to expand my custom field definitions for another season and would like to leverage all of my existing values as a starting point and instead of duplicating and starting there, I have to go back and forth loading screens to copy/paste what I need and re-link. 



Seems like a simple thing to add that would have a lot of value, especially since OR is definitely a workflow heavy PMS.



May 31, 2024 12:32 AM
Joined Jul, 2023 13 posts
