Ability to Assign Specific Rental Agreements based on Season

Status: Requested 3 Votes
May 5, 2022 12:49 PM
Joined Apr, 2021 18 posts

Currently, you can assign certain rental agreements to be used based on Property or Channel which is great, but we would also love to have the ability to assign specific rental agreements based on the season. There are several benefits to being able to do this: 

1. When you have different cancellation policies based on the season

2. When you have different payment schedules based on the season

3. When you have different house rules based on the season (like firewood or pools or hot tubs)

As I'm sure we can all agree people do not read so although we can create one monster rental agreement that includes every possible clause, it would be better for everyone if the rental agreements can be as short, clear and concise as possible. 


Ken T
May 5, 2022 1:54 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1706 posts

The trouble with this is that Vrbo automatically displays a draft version of your rental agreement, but they don't support this kind of flexibility.  So even if OwnerRez did, your Vrbo guests would be presented with a different agreement from the one they were shown before they made the booking.  That doesn't mean this is impossible, but it could cause issues.

It doesn't really matter how short the agreement is though - nobody ever reads them anyway.  So you may as well just create one monster rental agreement that includes every possible clause, it's the most legally protective approach.

Ventura County V
May 7, 2022 1:03 PM
Joined Mar, 2022 122 posts

I understand the issues with VRBO, but is there a way to assign rental agreements based on length of stay?  In California, it's a different agreement if they're under 28 days versus over 28 days.  No tenancy rights under 28 days, etc.