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Sasquatch Vacations on OwnerRez

Feb 5, 2018 11:09 AM
Joined Feb, 2018 18 posts

Hi, I'm Garry of Sasquatch Vacations, Rocky Mountain Vacation Rentals. We own and operate vacation rentals in and around the Winter Park and Granby Ranch Ski Resorts. Additionally, we property manage short term rentals in those same areas, and are making a move towards time share rentals in the near future.

First let me start by saying, I love this product. I don't usually gush over apps or software, or anything really, but this... this is great. It so far appears to have all of the features I've been wanting and looking for, and more.
I had finally gotten fed up with not being able to find what I need and did some extensive research. I narrowed it down to two products, OwnerRez and Lodgify. I decided upon Lodgify based on it seeming to be around longer and having more total reviews. I tried it and almost immediately found it to be lacking in some of the key features I required. Their support was also a bit slow for my liking. So, I decided that I should also give OwnerRez a shot, not just try to kludge on through with workarounds in Lodgify.
Not only did OwnerRez have my key features out of the gate, but Chris's email responses to my questions, even on the weekend, were both quick and helpful. I'm sold, 100%, all in. Let's go!