Wordpress Plugin - Display Property Details That Search Widget Finds

John P
Jun 17, 2021 4:51 PM
Joined Jun, 2021 3 posts

Using the Wordpress Plugin, I created a Search Widget, executed it on a page and it found one property. The following link will take you to the information that was returned. I have a few issues....


As you can see the Search Widget didn't return much information about the property. In fact, the information the widget is returning will not be very impressive to someone looking for a vacation rental. How can I tell the widget to return more information? I did create a separate Page for this property and the results did include a link to the Page.

I want the Search Widget to return more information such as:
1. What the cost is for staying at this property for the specified time period
2. A photo of the property. This is very important. Without it why would they take the time to get the details?
3. etc...

Basically is there any flexibility in what information the Search Widget will return? I know clicking on the link will bring the visitor to a page dedicated to this property but it needs to show more information initially.

What is that "Sorted Feature" button for that is being returned?

The guests field in the Search Widget shows that it is a down arrow but there is nothing there. No way to enter the number of guests. How can I make this field an enterable one?

Thank you in advance for your help.

John Pizzolato

Joel P
Jun 18, 2021 10:55 AM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2009 142 posts

Hi John, all of the items you listed would normally display on the widget when your listing details are complete. Since they are not showing in your test case, I'm guessing your listing details are incomplete. I can take a look at your specific account details if you send in a ticket to our support desk (help@ownerreservations.com).

The "Sorted Featured" select is the default external display order which you configure on your property list at https://app.ownerrez.com/properties/order#tab-external This allows you to "feature" specific properties you want near the top of your results. You can specify a different initial sorting method (alphabetical or random) on the widget options.