I paid $499/property for Vrbo annual subscription so that I dont have to pay the 5% base commision fee per booking. When I was filling out the form to set up API integration with Vrbo, the following verbiage was stated. Is it switching me to pay-per-booking?
"We've set you up with pay-per-booking
Pay-per-booking means you'll:
When travelers book and checkout through Vrbo, we charge you a 5% commission because travelers are paying for the Vrbo service fee.
When travelers who found you through Vrbo book directly with you and don’t go through our checkout, we charge you a 10% commission on these bookings created manually in your software and attributed to Vrbo - this is due to the travelers not paying for the Vrbo service fees"
No, normally going to the API will not force the switch to PPB, even though it sounds like it will. But if it does, you can just call up Vrbo IPM tech support and get them to put you back, if you were using subscription previously.