Where is the Void & Delete option?

Julie M
Jun 30, 2019 10:39 AM
Joined Jul, 2018 7 posts

Hello! As recommended on the Payment Methods section, I have successfully run a test booking using my credit card, woohoo! But now I have a booking and I cannot find the "Void and Delete" option cited on this page. I am not sure if this is the same as canceling the booking (it seems like it is not), and I'd really love to not actually have the $500+ charge go through. :p

"Once [the payment] goes through successfully, open the new booking, open the payment and use the Void & Delete option to void the credit card payment."

I go to Bookings, select the new booking, and I get stuck on "open the payment". There is no Payment tab, and I have been through every available tab and see no sign of a Void & Delete option. Help!

Julie M
Jun 30, 2019 10:43 AM
Joined Jul, 2018 7 posts

I finally found it - under Transactions then click on the Payment link. But now it's been too long to void, so that just cost me $16.

Please update your documentation to reflect this important and expensive detail, and perhaps also the fact that it's very time-sensitive - a total of about 15 minutes elapsed between booking and my finally finding the correct option, at which point it was too late. It's not something I could have identified beforehand, as I had no existing payments in the system. I am Unhappy.

Chris Hynes
Jul 1, 2019 9:42 AM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1402 posts

This is an unfortunate limitation of Stripe. They do not allow Void at all, only refund (so the Void button will always be disabled). And they also don't return fees on refunds like most processors do.

We support Stripe and they can be good for small amounts of processing, but given your volume my recommendation would be to switch to a processor with better policies. We support many and can recommend some specific ones if you're interested.

Julie M
Jul 2, 2019 8:22 AM
Joined Jul, 2018 7 posts

Thank you, I would appreciate your recommendations. While I can't anticipate how much direct booking I'll get initially, I do six figures worth of booking through the various platforms and hope to transition a good percentage to direct. A processor who is easy to work with and offers protection against frivolous chargebacks would be appreciated!

Chris Hynes
Jul 2, 2019 7:07 PM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1402 posts

Well, one thing that may make it easier is our new HomeAway API integration. With that, HomeAway passes across the guest credit cards to us and we run them on your processor, so that should help with the volume.

Lynnbrook Group is our go-to processor: https://app.ownerrez.com/lynnbrookmerchapps/add -- they know vacation rentals, have good support, and will get you a better rate than Stripe. They do have a small monthly fee, but that will be balanced out by the better rate (and better policies like fees on refunds).