Show Discount on "Book Now" quote on the Hosted Website

Aug 22, 2021 6:57 PM
Joined Sep, 2020 90 posts

My discounts are being applied correctly, but my summary window on the hosted website's "Book Now' function does not show the discount line.

For example, when I create a quote in OR, I see this summary:
$8,776.73 for 14 nights
Rent – 14 nights: $7,855.00
Surcharge – Cleaning Fee based on $175.00 per stay: $175.00
Discount – Discount 5% for 7 or more nights based on 5% per stay (rent only): -$392.75
Tax – Taxes: $1,139.48

But the summary on the hosted website combines the Rent and Discount:
Charge Details
Rent $7,462.25
Cleaning Fee: Regular Fee (up to 5 guests, 29 days) $175.00
Taxes $1,139.48
Total $8,776.73

I would like to show that I am applying a discount and define it for the guest. Is there a setting I need to change?


Ken T
Aug 23, 2021 2:27 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

This is the result of a combination of how you have set your Preferences to combine all Rent lines together:

And, set the discount to be categorized as Rent - so it gets combined in with the rest.

Sep 3, 2021 11:55 AM
Joined Sep, 2020 90 posts

That's exactly it. I had it set to combine rents for widgets.

Thanks for helping me out.