Schlage door code failed to generate

Justin L
Feb 18, 2024 9:30 PM
Joined Jan, 2024 19 posts

I had two guests that have the same last four digits of their phone number, so the system generated the error below. I still want the code to generate for the user but it wont let me set the code to the last four digits of her phone number. I would prefer not to have to change my templated channel message that says the code is the last four digits of your phone number for this one off guest. Any way around this?

The requested access code is already in use on the device. The entered code matches the pattern of an existing access code. Please enter a code where the first 4 digits do not match the first 4 digits of an existing code.

Ken T
Feb 20, 2024 10:49 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1706 posts

Unfortunately, this is a restriction enforced by the lock - the lock simply will not accept the same code used twice at the same time.  Unfortunately, you will have to manually configure the code for one of the guests to be something else, and then notify them accordingly.

Justin L
Feb 29, 2024 2:28 PM
Joined Jan, 2024 19 posts

Hey Ken, it seems like I've come across many of your insightful posts and replies. Anyway, I was pondering whether setting the door code seven days prior to the guest's arrival, rather than at the time of booking, might reduce the likelihood of the issue I'm facing. Additionally, I encountered a situation where a guest who booked through my hosted website had their lock code generated, but I couldn't delete or edit it. Have you ever encountered a similar scenario before?

Ken T
Feb 29, 2024 5:54 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1706 posts

I was pondering whether setting the door code seven days prior to the guest's arrival, rather than at the time of booking, might reduce the likelihood of the issue I'm facing.

Absolutely - the shorter the time period a given code is in the system, the fewer of them active at any given time there will be, and therefore, the lower the chance of a conflict.

I encountered a situation where a guest who booked through my hosted website had their lock code generated, but I couldn't delete or edit it. Have you ever encountered a similar scenario before?

That's normal for algorithmic lock models - but yours aren't, so that shouldn't be happening to you.  If you have a specific example, please send it in to the Helpdesk so we can take a look.